
  When you have roses, lots of roses, the first bloom flush is a once a year event . Roses will rebloom-some with abandon , but you'll cool your heels till next spring to experience that combination of shiny, disease free  new foliage and stem upon stem of unfolding flowers. I swear I am cutting back on roses, but there are some that have won a permanent spot. For now.

 English Garden, a David Austin rose I rarely see for sale. By midsummer it will be engulfed by the energetic Eupatorium 'Gateway' . 

Sun Flare. 2 bushes. 1 standard , best disease resistance of the bunch.

Gruss an Auchen . I shake my fist and threaten, but the stay of excecution is reissued every May, just like clockwork. I just avert my eyes during rust season and pretend it's not there.


Golden Celebration. Nothing quite like it.


  1. Golden Celebration reminds me of Chromatella and Duchesse d'Auerstadt, golden with a peachy rinse. Just got the email this morning that Vintage has canceled their open garden days this year, since Greg has been ill this winter. The future of old rose sometimes seem to hang on a thread! But his email reminded me why the heck don't I get up to see Vintage's open days one year.

  2. thank you for the rosy pictures! your photos are breathtaking!


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