Garden Bloggers Bloom Day for April 2021

April is shining it's spring light down the road to the end of the tunnel. I'm starting to fantasize about what it will be like to go to the grocery store or a public garden without a mask. As of today it has been the requisite two weeks since my 2nd vaccine and my first non self-inflicted haircut since last February is on the horizon. Since Boom Day this month falls on a busy workday I have only a small selection of the blooms in my garden to share. We have had no rain here in the Napa Valley since mid-March , and the total for that month was a meager 1.85". I fully expect water restrictions to be enacted this summer as we are unlikely to get more than a couple inches between now and June. If that. The only upside is that the snail population is practically non-existent . The roses are just coming on , an event I always enjoy. My population is less than half what it was 10 years ago and I'm about ready to suspend the removal efforts for awhile. I t...