BloomDay May 2016

There are no shortage of blooms this month, and May is always transitional here. The winter and spring rains are likely over, so the watering of the garden begins. I managed to hold off on all but containers until yesterday, but when the Lavender is wilting you know it's time to take action. Poppies have been mostly a no-show the last few years. I typically scatter seed in fall , and with little or no winter rain the seeds either never came up or came up too late. This year they are everywhere, but all one variety. Papaver somniferum Laurens Grape Worlds cutest grass, Biza media. Briza media with the cast iron pure yellow Gaillardia Most of the roses have completed the first bloom flush of the season, here are a couple of the stragglers. Sally Holmes Lady Emma Hamilton Phlomis with Verbena bonariensis The first Sanguisorba flower of the year is S. 'Chocolate Tips' The excellent Clematis 'Rooguchi' .. Feijoa se...