Garden Bloggers Bloomday July 2020

When I posted for Bloomday in March I'm pretty sure I had no expectation that in July, 5 months later in high summer, our lives would still be upended by COVID-19. The garden doesn't care about what we humans are experiencing and it benefits from a gardener that is working from home. This in fact has been my silver lining. Files and piles that used to be in my office at work are spread out on my dining room table along with my computer equipment. Instead of fluorescent light fixtures above my head I have natural light from windows on two sides. When I look out those windows I see my garden. When I take a break I take it in the garden. I can pull a ton of weeds in five minutes. This month features the Lilies. I have already ordered more for fall planting. The benefit with lilies is that you can dig a hole about the size of a potholder and install 3 bulbs and get big drama . Silk Road Carte Blanche Black Beauty ...