September Bloomday

Taken in haste between wind gusts , my Bloomday offering this month highlights the bright spots in the untidy, floppy and mid-renovation garden. My shovel has been active in September as I continue upending plants which no longer please me, or play the roll they were cast in. I typically don't plant sunflowers , not enough room for the big-uns . This year an extreme mid-summer cut back to Cecile Bruner to allow for an infrastructure repair opened a sunny spot in one of my Hateful Areas where this volunteer popped up. The Fuchsias are all blooming nicely, and our relatively cool summer has kept them looking fresh. Winston Churchill here. Though not winter hardy for me , Salvia 'Wendys Wish' is purchased every spring as soon as she makes her appearance at the garden center. All of the many Oreganos I own are blooming, but I can only offer a photo of Oreganum dictamnus 'Dittany of Crete'. Gomphrena 'Fireworks' survived the wi...