It's Spring so Lets Go to Annies !

Most years I take my spring road trip in April and my first Annies run happens in March. It kind of amuses me to see how my routine was disrupted just because I took the road trip in March. My Annies list was getting long and my garden had an abundance of empty spots-not a bad thing when you have a plant-shop habit. Today I packed up the camera and the plant list and headed south for my first Annies outing of 2018. It was way too sunny for photos but I took them anyway. It was a flowery day - the Digitalis was in great form. I love Foxgloves and grew them for years until I had to make some space choices that bumped them off the team. There are so many interesting hybrids now -including the Digiplexis cultivars that created such a buzz when they were first introduced, that I have started to gradually bring them back into the fold. Lady Hillingdon , the tea rose that is among the small covey of roses that I would consider adding to my garden was in...