Garden Bloggers Bloomday August 2016
August is just about my least favorite month in the garden, and it never fails to stimulate a relentless round of cutting back, digging up and too-late staking of the floppers. Bloomday gave me the opportunity to look for what actually still looks good. It's rarely as bad as it seems. For reasons that remain mysterious, getting decent photos of Fuchsias escapes me. I must include them in spite of because they are a bright spot in the August doldrums. I was quite obsessed with Fuchsias at one time and had a robust collection, in spite of the fact that my inland climate is not ideal. After a few years of attack by the Fuchsia gall mite , I tossed them all , and was Fuchsia free for several years. Gradually I have re-introduced mostly resistant varieties. Caryopteris is holding it's own, this is a newbie C. 'Hint of Gold' superior in every way to 'Worster Gold' in my garden. It may very well achieve the sought after repeated element sta