In the Rear View Mirror -A Photo Workshop at Western Hills

Way back in June (summer seems like such a distant memory) I attended a full day photography workshop at the iconic Western Hills Nursery -now known as Western Hills Gardens. Any visit here is a step back in time to the days when many of the exotics that we commonly grow now were rare, never seen and never sold except for here at Western Hills. I remember my first visit in the early 80's a new transplant from Southern California. Though I had been in the nursery trade for almost 10 years , I was completely lost in a sea of plants I had never seen or heard of . I was not aware that I was visiting during a period of transition for the garden , that the subtle air of dishevelment the lack of plant tags and the careworn infrastructure were all a sign that the resources to maintain the garden and nursery were dwindling. After years of uncertainty and neglect the garden found new stewards who are mindful of the historic nature of Western Hills and have worked diligen...