Renovating the Hell Strip (Again).

I don't even remember all of the so-called designs I implemented for the hell strip in the 30 or so years I've lived in this house. I know the original street trees in the neighborhood (mostly installed around 1983) were all the dreadful Hackberry most of which were removed either by the homeowner (in my case) or more recently by the city. The trees technically belong to the city , and as I recall they took care of the removal and planting a replacement tree but only chipped in a modest amount per square foot for sidewalk repair. By that time sidewalks all over the city were lifting so they developed a list of approved trees that worked much better in the narrow strip between the sidewalk and the street. I chose Crape Myrtle which took quite a few years to get going so between the sidewalk repair and when the new tree went in I replanted for sun with the thought I could just move/ replace them if and when the area got too shady. It took several years but shade happene...