Garden Bloggers Bloomday November 2019

We have made it all the way to mid-November here in Northern California without any event that could be considered the first rain of the season. We got a brief shower that was barely measurable in September and nary a drop since. The NOAA forecast discussion points to the last week of November for the possibility of some moisture coming our way. On the bright side, the daytime weather has been extremely pleasant and just about perfect for outdoor manual labor. We have had 2 or 3 mornings that could be considered mildly frosty-my lone Dahlia was knocked back but I still have 2 of my 4 basil plants. This is the floribunda rose 'Brass Band' which would probably be in a full-on springlike flush if it weren't for the reduced sunlight it receives in fall. Madame Isaac Pereire has no rust and no blackspot and several flowers. Lobelia Laxiflora is blooming more heavily than it did at any time this summer. Not enough cold to lay it low ...