Visiting Digging Dog

I always try to make it out to the coast to attend the annual fall sale at Digging Dog Nursery in Albion-it's just as much about an escape to the coast as it is about buying plants. October is typically an ideal time to visit the Mendocino County coast..dry and sunny unlike the often cold, miserable, and foggy weather in summertime. I lucked out in a big way on the weather and spent a pleasant 3 days driving around taking photos, walking state park trails , and nursery crawling. At Digging Dog, the west facing borders show off the grasses . The vegetable garden area is a work in progress , and here the hornbeam pillars punctuate. The evolution of this section of the gardens has been fascinating to observe over the last few years. I wish I had taken more photos year ! A lone hornbeam pillar across the drainage pond. Grasses and seedheads are left to create fall interest . This garden (and ...