What's Happening at Cornerstone ??
Cornerstone Sonoma opened some 15 years ago in Sonoma County as a wine country marketplace featuring gardens as art , wine tasting and shops. The gardens are now and have always been free to visit, with the hope that visitors would spend some money in the cafes, shops and tasting rooms. The founders hoped to pattern the venue after the international Garden Festival at Chaumont-sur-Loire. You can see the echos when looking at images of the French festival, and Cornerstone came the closest to it's French inspiration when in September of 2009, 'The Late Show Gardens' made it's debut. Not the typical spring indoor 'flower show' with it's displays of tulips, cool season annuals and flowering trees ' 'Late Show' was a celebration of summer harvest times and the richness of our wine country fall. Many of the display gardens addressed the climate and water issues that have since moved closer to the spotlight for California gardeners. This was conc