Garden Bloggers Bloomday for September 2019

Time didn't permit capturing images of everything blooming in my garden this month-though it's definitely not the bounty of July and August. The annual rite of plant fatigue makes its appearance this month with the predictable flopping, the touch of mildew and the scourge of spider mites. On a positive note, the grasses look great, the roses are powering up for a fall bloom and the fuchsias are happy with the cooler nights and mornings. I've made an effort in the last year to add more late bloomers to my garden . The Aster below has been here10 years-plus and has been moved at least twice that I can recall. I don't know where I got it and the tag is long gone . I planted 3 of the aptly named Aster 'Purple Dome' which are an unobtrusive bright green mound throughout the season and as fall nears they transform to this mass of purple. This is Aster laterfolius 'Lady in Black' which I will need to move this fall. I planted it too close ...