
Showing posts from April, 2013

Bloom Day April 2013

April is the month when my garden turns the corner from the daintiness of the early spring to modest exuberance. Everything that is going to come up , has done so. It is hoped that there will be enough rain (at convenient times i.e. overnight or when I'm at the office) to postpone the hose dragging.  As always, thanks to Carol at May Dreams for her stewardship of Bloomday.  Allium 'Purple Sensation' . I must say I wish I'd planted more of these.They took over just as the tulips waned. Weigela variegata.  Clematis 'Ramona' Always dependable Salvia 'May Night' . 'Golden Celebration' Not quite open..Verbena bonariensis.  Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow'  I planted this dwarf bearded Iris many years ago and have long since forgotten it's name. Echium gentianoides Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko'


 In the small orbit of my garden , instability of variegated plants sends what passes for design on a downward spiral.  When I  noticed the green branch parading shamelessly, vigorously,  from the base of my Caryopteris  'Summer Sorbet' (my beloved Summer Sorbet I might add) I was indignant and crestfallen,  for this was not the only plant  to decide it preferred to be green.   I did some research on the topic , and the opinions( from blogs to forums to university web sites) seemed to be unanimous: Variegated plants have less chlorophyll to photo synthesize , and thus upon occasion they just stomp their feet and decide to produce more green. The solution : remove the green shoots as soon as you see them.  My track record on this is not impressive.  Eryngium 'Jade Frost' .  Former Eryngium 'Jade Frost' The offending green shoot on Caryopteris 'Summer Sorbet' since removed. This Silene was entirely variegated last year. Dwarf E