Bloom Day April 2013

April is the month when my garden turns the corner from the daintiness of the early spring to modest exuberance. Everything that is going to come up , has done so. It is hoped that there will be enough rain (at convenient times i.e. overnight or when I'm at the office) to postpone the hose dragging.

 As always, thanks to Carol at May Dreams for her stewardship of Bloomday.

 Allium 'Purple Sensation' . I must say I wish I'd planted more of these.They took over just as the tulips waned.

Weigela variegata. 

Clematis 'Ramona'

Always dependable Salvia 'May Night' .

'Golden Celebration'

Not quite open..Verbena bonariensis. 

Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow'

 I planted this dwarf bearded Iris many years ago and have long since forgotten it's name.

Echium gentianoides

Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko'


  1. Great photos of your spring blooms. I picked up 3 Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow' myself recently and I'm anxious to see them bloom - thanks for the preview!

    1. Really one of my never seems to look bad. I'm going to move them though. Damn, I just can't stop moving stuff !

  2. A great selection of blooms! Yay for spring!

  3. I'm always amazed at how much of the same things we grow. Then there's all that other stuff :).

    1. I copy all that stuff from you guys out yonder on the right coast !

  4. Good job with the allium! I'm still waiting on that echium to bloom here. A garden is like paddling a canoe in a slow meandering river heading for the falls. You even forget the falls are ahead (think African Queen). Then it's spring...and whoosh!

    1. Oh Denise I am positively triumphant over the Allium thing, though I kept thinking I had planted more..lo and behold this weekend I found another bag of them behind the egg-holding tray thingy in my fridge..probably too late but I'm going to plant them anyway. And the Echium..mine is in year two..surprised yours isn't blooming yet ! Mine is in the hell strip.

  5. Agree with Sue...
    What on earth is Verbena bonariensis doing blooming now??? That only happens in August or September here!
    Last year I overwintered Ascott Rainbow successfully. This year I have two cuttings that rooted in water. We'll see what happens to them after spring June.
    Beautiful photos, as usual KS!

    1. Marie, V bonariensis does not really die back here, it just stops blooming for the winter. I cut it in half. It lives with the artichokes--they make a nice team !

  6. Perfectly captured Clematis 'Ramona'.. I love it.

    1. Hi Cindy, Ramona was the first Clem I ever planted-It remains a favorite.

  7. Your GBBD is just like looking into the future for me. I am about 2 weeks behind you.

  8. I am so jealous of all your blooms! Here in Minnesota, we're just starting to see some new growth. With all the snow we got in April, and more snow on the way tonight, we're way behind this spring!

    I can't wait to meet you at the Garden Blogger's Fling in San Francisco! I'm a first timer, and I don't know how I will remember everyone's names! :-) I'm a new follower of your blog too.



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