Flinging at the US Botanic Garden

Our day 1 2017 Garden Bloggers Fling itinerary included the opportunity to spend a few hours along the National Mall in Washington DC. Almost on the doorstep of the Capitol building is the United States Botanic Garden , a place about which I knew absolutely nothing other that what I gleaned from very brief pre-fling research. I really couldn't recall seeing photo spreads in garden magazines, blog posts or hearing accounts from garden touring friends who may have visited prior to me, including those who live quite nearby. The US Botanic Garden has been at its current location since 1933, but there has been a public garden presence of some sort on the Mall since 1820. Not surprisingly Thomas Jefferson had a hand in it's establishment, along with a couple of other historical figures you may have heard of, Mr. G.Washington and Mr. J. Madison. Unfortunately, it was a particularly hot and sticky day for our visit and my documentation was not a...