Garden Bloggers Bloom Day for May 2024

Such a bad blogger I've been for the last several months, but I'm hoping to ramp back up again. I have plenty of photos but since retirement I have taken a deeper dive than ever into the garden and it's hard to pull myself away . May is one of my favorite months in my garden-no more frost, minimal rain and the horrible late summer decline is still a couple months off. So let's have a look at the blooms that are showing off this month. I was pretty certain I couldn't grow Leucospermums in my garden. They were not seen for sale in garden centers in my area, though I could drive for an hour and find them. Most of the hardiness ratings were about 25c and we do typically get below that a few times in the dead of winter. On a visit to the Ruth Bancroft garden for a members plant sale weekend I decided to give it a try. I bought a quart size of 'Helena' -pricey- and put it in a container. I was happy it didn't die the first winter and my goal was to get a...