We gardeners can rarely control the challenges that seem to appear with every new season . Horrid plagues and pesky critters show up one year and disappear the next . Gophers,snails, spider mites, blackspot-they all come and go -though one wishes they would just go. Weedy afflictions such as oxalis and spotted spurge are predictable and eradication proof-the only realistic outcome is reduction. There was a lot to like about my garden in 2023 but an unprecedented aphid invasion still leaves me a bit mystified .I fully expect aphids on the roses and sometimes on the hellebores and by June they are usually gone. This year they persisted well into fall . Cutting back the lilies in my front garden this past week I found still living aphids on the back side of foliage that was barely green. Who gets aphids on Lilies ?? It was a first for me. Every Lily in the front garden was covered in them . First came the aphids, followed by honeydew and then the sooty mold. I got my box of latex glo
Those who know me well are aware that I am somewhat child-phobic. My own offspring are now grown up-humans, and thrusting myself into situations where I am likely to encounter large herds of small fry is something I avoid. I make exceptions for Disneyland, because well, I love Disneyland. As a Disneyland aficionado I have a strong appreciation for well done 'pretend' environments.Last weekend after my visit to Deannes , I turned the rental car northward and headed for Boothbay Maine for a return visit to Coastal Maine Botanical Garden. My first visit was in July of 2009 , with my Idyll friends on the occasion of our annual summer get-together. At that point the garden had only been open 2 years, but had been in development since 1996. I was ready to return about ten minutes after we drove away in 2009. Since our visit there have been expansions and improvements to the gardens , among them was the Bibby and Harold Alfond Childrens Garden which opened in summer of 2010. Thou
In Ginny Davises' garden plants are incidental, providing calm green relief from the the color blast . Nothing is subdued here-starting with the house . Not sure I've seen so many cool birdhouses in one place .. A very restrained vignette. Heading up the stairs.
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