Coolness at the Getty

  The Getty Foundations' gift to Los Angeles opened in December of 1997. I was long-gone by then; LA is my hometown, and even now I feel comfortable negotiating the freeways that I learned to drive on.  I feel happy to grab an LA Times from a newstand,  I like being on the 'beach' (up here in NorCal it's the 'coast') and I still refer to I 405 as the 'San Diego Freeway', the 101 as the 'Ventura Freeway'.

 But back to the Getty.  Two of my favorite things, architecture and gardens, wrapped up in the same package. And here's the deal- the gardens there provided not a single moment of plant discovery- in fact one could almost describe the palette used as mundane. This is where the designer steps in, seeing things that are out of view of the amateur, and combining them in ways that make them seem new, edgy and hip-far removed from the trite landscapes of suburbia.


  1. Very interesting designs here, I love them~~!

  2. I love the gardens there with the sea breeze coming in wiffling through foliage. They've changed a few things since last spring, judging by your photos. Always looks good though. Thanks for the virtual tour.

    Odd how freeways are referred to. In Orange the 55 is the Newport freeway. In Newport, it's the Orange freeway.

  3. Lol Hoov, and lets not forget the Harbor Freeway/Pasadena freeway. The Santa Monica Freeway , the Santa Ana Freeway , the Golden State Freeway. No nickname ever seemed to catch on for the 605 though. Who wants to be associated with Irwindale ??

  4. Man, I really want to check out the Getty! Fabulous pics!

  5. 7 hours and you're there Megan !


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