Winter Vines

 The sun came out for a day. Not a workday this time-why does the sun always come out when one is engaged in suitable employment in an office with no windows  ? Driving around in the vineyards with the heater directed toward the feet, parking the car in the sun where the ground is still stable and un-puddled and walking , camera in hand-it was pretty nice.   In winter our valley discards its burnished gold summer wardrobe and we see green at last. Frosty, cold, and muddy but green.

 This is the Carneros appellation ; varietals grown here prefer  the lower summer temperatures moderated by the San Francisco and San Pablo Bays. This region, though only a 15 minute drive from my garden, is usually frost -free while I endure nighttime temps in the 20's and 30's. The remarkable diversity of the micro-climates in the Napa Valley facilitates both viticultural excellence and some pretty cool home garden opportunities.


  1. Beautiful...sweet seeing California land growing something besides houses.

  2. Aloha KS,

    mustard season is quite colorful despite the sleeping vines...i loved visiting your blog for the first time and seeing one of my favorite winery/gardens belvedere on display - must visit again when i visit sonoma (used to live in guerneville and transplanted to puna, HI)

    look forward to visiting again. come and check out my plant blog on hawaii/travels when you get a chance :)

  3. I love the second to the last photo. There's a slightly unreal feel to the photo. If I could paint, I would love to do a painting of this scene.

  4. Aloha Noel ! Thanks for coming over. An interesting transition from Sonoma Cty to HI..I have in fact visited your blog and will add it to my blogroll. I enjoyed your Mendo pics !

    Hoov, we have stringent zoning here intended to protect agriculture, for which I am daily grateful.

    Marlene, I wish there had been time to take y'all out to Carneros last summer, and thank you for the that 365 thing you're doing !

  5. Kathy, look at this book cover:

    I want the person who painted that cover to paint your photo for me!

    And thanks for the thumbs up on the 365 project!

  6. What the hell Marlene, take a painting class ! Bet you could do it ...


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