January Bloom Day

I have actually gotten the act together sufficiently to participate in Bloom Day-naturally it's January -not a month of plenty in this garden though it probably seems like the tropics to those buried under a snow bank.

 Camellias are blooming here in NorCal, I like this one with is sunny yellow stamens -kind of Romneya-ish ..

Pieris japonica Variegata with its heath-like bells unfurling. Note the appearance of sun.

 Snail holes deface the Hellebores.

The ubiquitous Viburnum tinus


  1. Are you kidding? Wonderful bloom day post. Four great plants to get anyone thru January. And good thing a plant destined for ubiquity is as marvelous as V. tinus. It's leaves had a problem with my soil -- not seen around here at all.

  2. So nice to see some blooms! Rainy and cold here the last week or so...ready for a little sunshine ;)

  3. Very nice closeups. Love the pieris,

  4. Denise, V. tinus is notorious for thrips, but mined seem to have avoided that particular plague thus far.

    Hi Whimsical, visited your blog love the fog pics ! We Northern Cal dwellers are all to familiar with that stuff, thanks for coming by.

    Hi Mac, and thanks.

  5. This is just like looking into the future. I hope you had a good Bloom Day, and thanks for stopping by my blog.


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