In the Rear View Mirror, Part Four

 I will begin with an an objectivity disclaimer ; I leave it in the parking lot when I visit  here. This is my dream garden, the garden I would have if I was transported from the postage stamp to a huge manila envelope, the garden that fulfills 90% of my botanical  fantasies. This is Digging Dog Nursery, a few miles inland from the Mendocino coastline. It is remote, surrounded on all sides by Redwood, transitional and mixed conifer forest . The primary business is mail order - and in my experience the customer will receive healthy well-rooted plants. In summer and fall the nursery is open to the public on specific dates and times; see their website for details. I made 3 visits in 2010; most of these photographs are from my fall visit .

  No surprise, the judicious use of grasses keeps the fall  interest dynamic . Seed heads are left to punctuate .

 These planted steps are a clever design element used by proprietor Gary Ratway again for his wonderful gardens at Belvedere Winery, now Donatiello Vineyards in Sonoma County.

 The plant combinations are uncontrived, almost subtle;beautiful in the way that nature is . The line from the garden to the forest or the open meadow is never jarring

The fabulous Lobelia tupa


  1. Hey did you put that last picture in just for me? ;)

  2. Loree, maybe I should post the other bazillion pics I took of L. tupa ! The had some growing in a semi shady spot too--the drama !


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