In a Vase on Monday-Some Roses

 I have reduced the rose population in my garden (from roughly 70 to about 30) and a big bowl of roses is not as frequent an event as it used to be. I love a bowl of roses, and since the first flush is winding down it was now or never.
 I'm still struggling with my location  for the photos-this will have to do, out of focus though it may be.

 The pink in the center is the floribunda 'Our Lady of Guadalupe'  and I expect it will have a vase life of about two days. Below 'Our Lady' is 'Eden' aka 'Pierre Ronsard' which is already blackspot bound-I expect this to be a particularly bad year for that affliction.

 The white is Sombreuil ,  most of the yellows below are  'Molineux.' a David Austin Rose that is so outstanding I have three.

 'Golden Celebration' in the middle.

 The vase is a Bauer Hi-Fire thrown by either Fred or Jim Johnson in the mid 1930's.

 Be sure to check out  all the vase offerings today at Rambling in the Garden !


  1. Even 30 roses is a lot (need to do a head count on mine since I added to them)! Lovely t see the varieties you are sharing today, the only one of which I know is Molyneux (this the name of Wolverhampton Wanderer's football ground; they play in a yellow strip and Wolverhampton is only a few miles from David Austin's nursery). Thank you for sharing your abundance today

    1. I do admit I miss a few of them, but I collect so many types of plants something had to give !

  2. What a heavenly bouquet of roses! I always recognize David Austin's roses when I see a picture of them...they are just the best in my opinion! You certainly have a talent for arranging them! :)

    1. My fave Austin that I dug up is 'Abraham Darby'..what an exquisite flower, but the plant was a mess and the stems couldn't support the flower. A rose bowl stuffed with as many as you can bear to cut from the garden is pretty easy to pull off, but thanks for the nice comment !

  3. Only 30 roses? :(. 'Molineux' is outstanding here, also. Almost all of the pink DAs have been duds in my climate ('Bishops Castle' an exception) but every single one of the yellows has been stellar, the best of the best of roses, not just DA roses.

    Beautiful arrangement, in a very special vase.

    1. Lots of duds on the DA pinks here too, 'Heritage' being the worst of the lot. 'Mary Rose' though was excellent-I no longer have her , she didn't survive the attempted move.

  4. Your current collection may be smaller but it's wonderful, Kathy! 'Our Lady of Guadalupe' is one of my all time favorites, even though it's not part of my own collection (which is half again the size of yours).

    1. I have two Guadalupes flanking either side of my front walkway. That is one cast iron rose I must say.

  5. My oh, my-- your roses are so beautiful. Mine are just starting to show new growth after the long Minnesota winter. Actually our gardens are just starting to bud and sprout here in the Upper Midwest. I am having gardener's envy but in a good way. So glad I found your blog!

  6. 70! 30! Either number is huge, that's a lotta roses! I do love the look of them all smashed into the vase, in their sherbet shades. Must smell divine!


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