I Went to the Zoo
It's been very many years since I have visited a zoo, and I couldn't even tell you which zoo it might have been, but I had heard anecdotal information that suggested the Santa Barbara Zoo had good landscaping with excellent plants and was worthy of a visit . I'm always up for some plant viewing so I added the zoo to my road trip agenda. A bit of googling revealed that this particular zoo is well regarded, is small, provides naturalistic settings for the animals and it was only ten minutes from my hotel . There were a lot, really a lot, of children there, and the facility had numerous family-friendly features including a large park like play area , picnic areas, Giraffe feeding and a zoo train among other attractions. Because I am notoriously child-phobic I spent quite a bit of time positioning myself as far away as possible from the hordes. If I were to visit again , it...