August Bloomday Caboose

 Checking in from the left-coast here, where the time zone stragglers post as the folks back east are pulling up the covers and dozing off.

Sanguisorba 'Chocolate Tips' ..I'm having a great time collecting Sanguisorbas-they are never seen in garden centers here .All of mine have either been purchased n Washington/Oregon or at Digging Dog.

I'm thrilled with this Persicaria, but it absolutely clashes with almost everything in it's immediate area. It will have to be moved in fall.

 One of my ever diminishing Roses, this is 'Jeane Giono' , a keeper.

Clematis 'Rooguchi' , it's in the top 5.

Clematis 'Arabella' ..ditto above. Flowers, seedheads, puffy seedheads. Hail Arabella.

More Persicaria clashing here.

This Lantana in the hell strip dies to the ground every winter-this year it has some reversion going on.

It's high Dahlia season..this is 'Bahama Mama' .

A's name escapes me, but I got it at Annies and it seems to be mite resistant.

Good old reliable Ceratostigma plumbagoides.

 Thanks Carol !


  1. Fabulous blooms! And we love your banner pic! :)

    1. Banner pic is from the Bancroft Garden..c'mon over-I'm a member and I get passes !

  2. Oooh, the alba persicaria likes you! That is so great that you're growing sanguisorbas since I can't please them at all.

    1. It's P. bistorta 'Superba' Denise..more pink-ish if you see it in person. Got it at D. Dog last year-very happy with it !

  3. Wow, my Clematis roguchi has never looked that good. Interesting that I singled out the Plumbago as well for GBBD. It's much less common in Maryland...

    1. John, Rooguchi is my best performing Clem..earliest to bloom and will be blooming in October.Shrugs off heat too !

  4. I love Arabella. Both of mine need to be relocated or better supported. Quick, call Terra Nova about the new variegated Lantana cultivar! Happy belated Bloom Day!


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