Visiting Deanne

  Travel on business to Boston put me in close proximity to my New England Idyll friends, so it was clearly imperative to squeeze out a couple of days to visit at least one of them. A rental car and an easy one hour drive on Saturday afternoon and I was in garden nirvanah ..Deannes wonderful garden in New Hampshire , with great food, great wine and sterling company. I'm still in recovery.

The Tropical Border. I often speculate about the reactions of people who innocently wander on to Deannes street and are confronted with this..

 I wonder how many private gardens in New Hampshire have Bromiliad Trees ? Two views of this one.

Deannes collection of Bromiliads will be the subject of a future post. She seems to be making no attempt to control her addiction to this genus..

More from the tropical border

The driveway garden...a personal favorite. This area has changed quite a bit since I first saw it; Deanne is transforming this into a shrub border . It's a great screen from the unattractive yard next door.

The mailbox garden...expanded this year , with more expansions to come .

A view of the tropical border from the mailbox garden..we suburban SF Bay Area dwellers can only dream of this much lawn to remove !

In the back garden: Phil Specter had The Wall of Sound, Deanne has The Wall of Plants...

Look, it's Sue !

Deanne also has some really cool Begonias.

 And of course there are some splendid succulent combos.

 Luke...not a plant , but beautiful ..check out those eyes !

 Thinkin the Fling needs to hit New England someday. Theres more where this comes from.


  1. I so agree with you on the Fling coming to New England. Thanks for posting your photos of your visit to Deanne's, I heard about your visit through Facebook, and was looking forward to this post. I wish I had known that this much loveliness was so close to me when I was living west of Boston four years ago, just a half-hour's drive to her place. Well, I have plenty of family still living back east, I can always come visit them and maybe wangle an invite out of her. You think? After all, you've met me, so you can vouch that I'm not an ax murderer either...

    1. Alison, you are welcome to visit any time! Would love to see you

    2. Looks like I don't need to vouch for you Alison !

  2. Thanks Kathy for the return visit and update. :)

  3. Isn't it nice when a blogger gets to meet and visit a fellow blogger? Deanne's garden is fab!

  4. Like a bad penny, I seem to turn up everywhere :). We get to enjoy this kind of garden fun and frivolity all the time! Glad you were able to make the scheduling work. You make New England sound like a garden mecca. It is really-as long as you don't come back in January.

    1. Not much chance of that Sue;I don't have the proper wardrobe !

  5. Oh my Kathy!!! This is just too much fun! You've done a fabu job of photographing the gardens here. I absolutely love seeing this through someone else's lens. Many thanks for the beautiful post and also many thanks for the visit. We love seeing you and of course it was a perfect excuse for a party.

    1. Thanks Deanne ...hope I'll get even better photos the next time....well, the next party, lol.

  6. Thanks Kathy, for this great post about Deanne's garden. I've admired it greatly on her blog and seeing it through your lens makes me appreciate it even more. She does everything so well and I never notice anything that doesn't look beautiful in her garden.

    1. Deanne is meticulous to say the least Peter, I can't recall ever seeing a weed !

  7. "She seems to be making no attempt to control her addiction to this genus.." hahaha! I hope she never does. What a beautiful garden, always wonderful to see another persons view. And you're right, that Luke is a real looker.

    1. The other feline would not sit still long enough for me to get a photo-though when he was getting his lobster snack I might have had an opportunity.

  8. I thought I spied either Sue or new garden statuary! I love seeing the evolution of Deanne's garden, which always seems like it can't be improved upon...and then somehow she pushes it to be even better. I thoroughly endorse all the bromeliads too. And that Luke is one dreamy-looking cat...

    1. Believe it or not, Luke is elderly--he looks so well conditioned.

  9. Wow! I can only imagine the amount of effort it takes to put together such spectacular tropical plants in New Hampshire. I feel like a gardening wimp by comparison.

    1. The humidity is key I think is very Hawaii-like back there in summer . No Mai-Tais or tradewinds --but there is summer rain !

    2. Wait...Hawaii-like? Can we market that?


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