My Favorite Plant in the Garden---This Week

 August has not been kind to my garden . The cruelty of spring ? Nope, not at my house . Everything here has just about grown to death-and a week on the road with no recuperation day before returning to the office didn't help much . Looking perky and lush in the bosom of destruction is my new Restio, Elegia capensis. Not only a new Restio, but my only Restio- a souvenir of the farewell cocktail bash at Flora Grubb on the last evening of Garden Bloggers Fling .

 It sat in it's 4inch nursery pot for at least a month until I was able to acquire a nice blue pot for it to live in. It looked pretty silly when  first planted it , and still is out of proportion, but I expect by late spring of next year it will look just fine. One of the few things in my garden right now that isn't overgrown, flopping, or browning out.

This image from a visit to UC Berkeley Botanic Garden a couple years ago may or may not be Elegia capensis, but it is similar so I'll include this photo as an indicator of things to come. I do love the Restios !

 Thanks to Loree , our fave plant hostess...


  1. That's going to look fantastic when it fills out!

  2. Oh man! I've almost bought the Elegia capensis so many times. Just today at Cistus in fact (30% off!). However I've abstained. It's that darn hardiness issue. Here's hoping yours grows up big and tall!

  3. Well, it looks great in that blue pot Kathy and that pic from BBG is wonderful.

    Really love blue pots and will probably add to my collection. I know you'll find it hard to believe I could add to any collection but sometimes one just has to do what one has to do.


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