Old Westbury Gardens

  There has been a frenetic pace this June , visiting gardens from coast to coast . Denise and I speculated on the Fling bus Saturday...were we 'gardened -out' ? Just a little I think, though the freak heat-wave may have been a contributing factor. Just for the hell of it I totted up the numbers : 11 gardens on the east coast starting the 19th , fly home on Monday the 24th, go to work for a couple of days , and then 13 more gardens over the weekend in the Bay Area. Whew !

Looks like Sue up there ...

 ...taking a photo of this...

 The walled garden featured classic perennial borders , and hardscape I can only dream of.

My travel companions taking in the views.


The childrens garden was tastefully cute .

How about a folly and a lake in your back yard?  Not in the budget this year I'm afraid.

Old Westbury Gardens is in Old Westbury New York, on Long Island.


  1. Whew, lots of gardens to visit on your itnerary. Keep the photos coming!

    1. Unfortunately my camera went belly-up on day 1 of Fling, but I have plenty of shots from Idyllunion.More to come.

  2. Yes, that was me! The walled garden at Old Weatbury had to be one of the best designed and maintained formal style gardens I've seen and you've captued it beautifully. Two weeks ago tonight you arrived. Hard to believe it's been that long. Time is flying!

    1. It was nicely done wasn't it ? 2 weeks .. you would think I'd be fully recovered by now .

  3. What a lovely estate garden! And your companions don't look anywhere near as hot and exhausted as the ones at Filoli. After a while, so many gardens must blend into each other.

    1. The weather was great in New York Alison..in fact the first time I've gardened toured in NY when it wasn't hellish hot with the added humidity factor.I'd be pretty chipper about now if it weren't for Fling !

  4. Wasn't this the one I wanted to go back to for their Midsummer's Eve party a couple days later? That's when I still had some energy to spare...

    1. It was Denise. What we did instead that night I don't recall, but I'm pretty sure it involved wine.

  5. "Gardened out"...who would have thought it possible? But I must admit I enjoyed just bumping around the city with the husband on Monday and not taking the planned trip to Oakland for a nursery and another garden (thanks to BART)...sometimes one has to rest the eyes.

  6. Fabu-Fabu!!!! wonderful post Kathy. You really got some fantastic shots of this beautiful garden. I really like the perspective of the picture with Sue. I have a shot of Monique, Les and Marlene taken from the spot Sue was in on the terrace. I can't imagine how you went home and did another round of garden tours... You must be all tuckers out.

  7. I love that blue pergola, if it was any other shade, not so much.


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