More from the PNW-The Oregon Garden.

 Kick off for the annual garden-tourista trip took place at the Oregon Garden Resort..can there be anything better than a hotel that is adjacent to a botanical garden ? I think not. And to sweeten the pot, your room rate includes unlimited entry to the garden, sunup to sundown. Photographers rejoice- the golden hour is yours !

  This was a stumble-upon garden for me, visited on a whim after several years of visiting the Portland area unaware of it's existence. Well maintained with almost something for everyone -if you are a succulent die-hard this may not be the place for you. And why should it be ? This is Oregon-conifers , hardwoods and herbaceous perennials are suitable here and presented to their advantage in the garden.

There was a railroad garden !

Conifers.. and we are told the collection is due to be doubled.

  And incidentally, the room rates at the resort are beyond reasonable, especially if you can go midweek.


  1. The trees and grasses are delightful! The giant foliage is fun too because there is room for it!

    1. This was adjacent to the childrens garden Marie, and featured a very large topiary dinosaur..very effective!

  2. I can't figure out whay I didn't take many pictures in this garden. Most of what I had was taken with my phone. Oh well, guess I'll have to go back.

    1. Probably because I hustled you guys out ahead of schedule !

  3. There may be no succulents but it's a fantastic looking garden nevertheless! Lovely, with all those leafy pants, flowers, supported by a backdrop of conifers!

  4. Wow, what a gorgeous garden and those conifers are to die for. Gorgeous and great pics Kathy

    1. Thanks Deanne...those conifers, oo-la-la.

  5. Lots of interest in this garden. Lots of fabulous color as well and it looks so well tended. The conifers are so interesting. It sounds like a lovely place to stay.


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