Dancing Oaks

 My own garden suffers some neglect as I head into the business trip season. Home again and gone again, a challenge to keep plants hydrated . So I'll look back once more to the July visit to the PNW and share some photos from Dancing Oaks, a destination nursery in Monmouth Oregon. Surrounded by bucolic farmlands, and sited on a sunny exposure against the hills, Dancing Oaks features lovely display gardens and a palette of interesting and well grown plants. And make sure you stop for lunch at the Pink House Cafe in Independence..recommended !


  1. Gorgeous...I really need to make a point of getting down there soon. LOVE that patch of Darmera they have...it's stunning in Autumn!

    1. Bet the whole garden is great in autumn ! One of these years I need to do a fall Oregon trip again.

  2. That was a tough day and time for pictures - mid day bright and sunny - but it looks like you were able to capture some nice shots. Can't wait to see them on "the big screen" when I get home-only have the phone with me at the beach.

    1. Yeah Sue, I didn't take as may pics as I would have liked, but I guess I made up for it before the sun came out at Terra Nova !

  3. Beautiful photos! Good luck with your business trips--hopefully a little time for plant-viewing along the way.

    1. Not very plant centric locales for me on business this year Hoov. I started in Vegas where it was 105, and going outside was not of interest.

  4. Ah, the nursery where my camera battery gave out. Thank goodness there were multiple photographers to cover such technical glitches.

    1. At least your battery gave out where the conditions were most challenging Denise !

  5. The colors are fabulous. The picture with the rainbow colors is cool. Some type of prism?

  6. How wonderful! Again, I wish you could hear the wimpers that escape when I view all these gorgeous shots from your trip....

  7. So pretty! There is nothing more calming than a walk through the gardens. Have you ever been through Nova Scotia? I have a feeling you would really like Historic Gardens in Annapolis Royal http://thelocaltravelerns.com/?p=1790

  8. You photos are lovely.....thanks for visiting me..I have never been to Oregon but my brother lives on the Olympic peninsula...I have zone envy!


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