Dangerous !

  Less than a week has gone by since my friends and I kicked off our annual garden tour extravaganza; so many gardens, so many great meals, so much wine...is there anything better ?

 This year we traveled to the Pacific Northwest, and the first stop on the agenda was a visit to the Danger Garden. The cameras were clicking madly before Loree even got out the door. I think we all agreed, no matter how well done the photos we've seen of this garden, only an in-person visit can do it justice. I mean it was just, well, bitchen.Totally.

No need to look at the address ..this must be the place !

 The New England delegation is pondering their micro-climates-Tetrapanax envy.

So much to see.

 Is this cool or what ?

Elegant. Out of focus-I guess I need to go back.

The containers-artfully arranged

It's all just perfect !

Thank you Loree for inviting us into your special world.


  1. It looks like an incredible garden. Lots of cool plants which I'm sure aren't hardy here. Nice groupings of containers too. Wish I could have been there.

  2. The famous Danger Garden, a wonderful looking garden full of gorgeous plants! :)

  3. Man oh Man...I knew I'd have travel & garden envy! Plants I'd have to learn to get to know if I moved... (Can't imagine a clematis for this particular garden. But I'll ponder the issue!) Beautiful photos of but one of many places I'm sure! I hope to see more as the days go by.

  4. Many of the plants are not hardy for northern gardeners but Loree brings alot of them in and winter protects others. Whatever your zone, all extreme gardeners are guilty of pushing the limits from time to time. Somehow I'm going to figure out a way to grow that Tetrapanax!

  5. I am envious of your opportunity to visit in person.

  6. Oh it is so fun to see my garden through your eyes! Thank you for stopping by and bringing your friends, so glad to have met you...hopefully we can have more garden fun next year in SF for the fling. Now get started posting about the rest of your trip, I can't wait to see it all!

  7. Travel and garden envy from me, too. Enjoy it for us, okay?

  8. Soooo fabulous. I'm green with envy and so sad I couldn't come this year


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