Filling the Frame

This months' Picture This  photo contest over yonder on Gardening Gone Wild is all about Filling the Frame. I may not have a win, place or show, but I have always felt most satisfied with my images when there is no dead space. This photo was taken last summer at the Ruth Bancroft Garden, and it depicts an Agave that is on the way out layered over others that are still thriving. This is a photo that I like to look at, taken in one of my favorite public gardens.


  1. You've got my first place vote, if that counts for anything...

  2. That is a beautiful image, no wasted frame here!

  3. I wcale Ci się nie dziwię, że lubisz to zdjęcie, bo jest świetne.Pozdrawiam

  4. The red, coral, pink and yellow colors surprisingly hold their own against those strong shapes, making the photo as much about color as form. Wonderful.

  5. Thanks Loree, Darla, Denise...Regrettably, I don't think my entry made it in, tried 3 times too . Operator error no doubt.

    Giga, my Polish translator made mincemeat of your comment, but thank you , whatever you said !


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