Dig It

 There are no absence of good reasons to head out to the north coast in October. Less fog, less wind, fewer tourists, maybe even a day or two above 65 degrees. A fall visit for me always wraps around Digging Dog Nursery's annual plant sale. Not just a buying opportunity (though there is that) but the yearly stroll though the fabulous borders decked out in their fall ensembles. This isn't just about autumn leaves. The gardens are allowed to age gracefully, the wonderful grasses and seed heads punctuate the late Salvias, Ancontiums,and Heleniums . The borders here are deep and imposing, with large architectural plants anchoring the design. It's something I can never hope to replicate; I will never have the space. But in accepting that , I've learned that  color palettes can be emulated , textural groupings can be mimicked..all on a smaller scale. Deadheading here in my garden  has become more selective in late summer-are the faded browned out flowers attractive in shape or color ? If so , they stay.

 Everything works here.

The Lobelia tupa is on steroids.

More great views...

 I don't know what this is..forgot to ask ! The flowers are like raspberries, but the plant is tall -burly and airy at the same time.

Fall stuff..the grasses and back-lit action ! 


  1. Love the Raspberry on a Stick, what it looks like to me, :). And thoses grasses, oh la la. I can't get your comment to let me comment as wordpress...I'm not at familyandflowers anymore.

  2. Oh, jeez, these photos gave my heart a jump. I think that's the eryngo I just sowed seeds of, E. padanifolium. I hope they carry it in their catalogue because I have little hope I'll be successful.

  3. That bronze grass just melts my heart. Thanks for the beautiful views!

  4. Sorry for your comment woes Darla..I'll have to nose around in my settings-other wordpress folk are able to comment-raspberry on a stick indeed !

    I don't know Denise, this plant was huge-those flowers stalks had to be 7ft ..I ought to e-mail Deborah with a photo and ask for an ID. Stand by !

    Hoover, I took a fair amount of photos of that grass, assuming it was a Carex of some sort-but now I'm not so sure.


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