Container Mania in New Hampshire

 Sometimes business travel lands me near a garden. Who can resist ? Not me - I ended the chores of commerce on Friday and spent the rest of the weekend traveling from garden to garden in New England. Base camp was the garden of my friend Deanne , an artist by trade and a gardener of extraordinary talent. Deanne loves her containers; for her each one is a garden. Her masterful use of color and texture , both within the individual container and it's position relative to the containers around it has created a tapestry that cloaks her entire garden, moving from one colorway to another seamlessly , with no sour notes.

Everything you see here is in a pot...

...including this robust Brugmansia

In the driveway garden containers combine with plants in the ground.

And even more containers line up on the opposite side.

Lets move to the back yard..

This one is as tall as me.

Hey look, theres stuff in the ground too !

How about this window box ?

Everything here is in a container except for the Japanese maple on the left.

Thanks again Deanne for the great weekend !

Stand by for more ...


  1. Wow my hat is tipped to Deanne, amazing! How much time is spent watering all those containers?

  2. I was thinking about the watering time too! Her garden is insanely gorgeous...

  3. Wow. It's amazing, it's crazy, it's gorgeous.
    C'est fou.
    Bravo, Deanne.

  4. It seems impossible, but her garden looks better every year!

  5. Absolutely stunning and so very inspirational!

  6. Fortunately for Deanne, she lives in the world of summer rains Loree. When she has to water it, it takes 2 hours. The humidity and warm nightime temps seem to lead to explosive growth. I could never duplicate this here in Napa County.

    Delphine,crazy is the word !

    Evita, I wilted when I flew back to California and looked at my garden.I was inspired too, but had to apply it to my own climate zone.

    Darla, I sure have never seen anything quite like Deannes garden.

    Denise, Deanne has negotiated a lawn removal; this fall she's going to start work on a shrub border to create a privacy screen from the street.

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  8. Oh my goodness, how fun to see this Kathy! Wow, can't believe I used to do that many containers!


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