The Prairie on Michigan Avenue

  How fortunate  the citizens of Chicago are to have this masterpiece in their city . This trip, I cleverly booked myself into a hotel that was under a 10 minute walk to the garden. I cleared my pre-breakfast calendar , packed for my flight to Boston that afternoon, downed a cup of in-room swill and headed out to Millenium Park.

You'd have to work at it to find a climate more dissimilar to mine, and yet this garden continues to inspire me every time I visit . Design is design; habitat is habitat. This is a living garden, surrounded by concrete and skyscrapers.Finches swayed on the seed heads, bees were industrious. I even saw a bunny.What a gift to us all.


  1. I had to check in today to see if you made good on your promise to post on the Lurie...and you did! Prairie pressing in against city -- wow.

  2. Worth skipping a search for good coffee and making do with hotel swill!

    Whatever anyone thought of Daley in other respects, he pushed hard to turn downtown Chi into a garden. The results are truly wonderful. Lovely photos.

    Too bad no time for CBG? That's an awesome place as well.

  3. Quell'insieme di piante perenni cittadine è bellissimo!

    Tanti saluti.


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