
 I first visited this garden several years ago when it was the property of Belvedere Vineyards. Belvedere alas is no more, but thank goodness, the gardens still live on under the proprietorship of the Donatiello family. My previous visit was a tour escorted by Gary Ratway , who designed the gardens , and whose signature can be seen still . I think Garys gardens look particularly fine in fall, and this garden though quite geometric, still somehow fulfills my desire for horticultural untidiness.


  1. Horticultural untidiness is how I garden. Not so much by design I have to admit. That does look like a lovely spot.

  2. Simple but wonderful details here. The rusty metal gate and piers such a durable touch. Those silvery hedges look possibly made of Teucrium azureum. Kathy, your photos are terrific!

  3. Vines, pea gravel paths, stone, rusty gates, lots of thyme... and gardeners to help with the heavy work. Heaven!

  4. Very beautiful, and so very fortunate the garden survived the winery. Long may it live.


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