Bloom Day for June 2021

 The 15th of June this year is not only Bloomday , but the day that California rolls back many of the restrictions we have been living with since round about March Bloomday of 2020. I surely never imagined what a long road this pandemic has turned out to be.  The downside is that my days of working from home are numbered -I  am pretty sure we will be full up again at the office in a few weeks. But lets get on with the flower action-a small selection of what is blooming in my garden this month .

All Lavenders are in full bloom. I only have 4 this year-so many varietals and so inexpensive and readily available I change them out every 3 years or so before they get too woody. 

 This Asclepias speciosa from Annies has a long history-bought it in a 4" pot and the original plant died rather quickly, but not completely. I have had it coming up here and there for several years -most are pulled and a couple are kept to see if they might actually either attract some monarchs or bloom. And this year I have some first ever flowers on this plant that rose up from the dead middle of a Helleborus argutifolius.

Always reliable Clematis 'Arabella'.

New this year a smaller scale version of Achillea 'Moonshine', A.'Moondust' from the UC Davis Arboretum remote plant sale in April. Really like it , I wish I'd bought a couple more. I fully expect an absolutely normal in person plant sale there this fall so this will go on the list.

Strong editing is needed this summer for the drumstick Alliums. They can get away from you if you aren't careful.

Tanacetum parthenium 'Vegmo Snowball' 

Eryngium planum blaukappe , one in the front garden and one one the back -highly recommend . Polite reseeding and not as particular as some Erygiums I've grown.


Sideritas cypria with an Allium photo bomb.



Pelargonium schizopetalum

Sanguisorba 'Pink Tanna'

I'm having a mental block on the name of this plant. Kind of embarrassing.

 That's my offering for this month, and if you toddle over to Carols at May Dreams Gardens you'll find even more June blooms.


  1. Lovely as always, Kathy! We share the lavenders and the drumstick alliums, although the latter definitely do NOT spread themselves around here. I was surprised to see your Sideritis already in bloom - I bought more this year but they've yet to do anything but sit there. I fell in love with your Pelargonium schizopetalum when I saw your IG post and last night submitted an order for 3 plants to Geraniaceae ;)

    1. I planted that Sideritis in fall so that may be why I am ahead of you Kris. It just kind of sat there for months. Look at Pelargonium Caffra on the Geraniacae site -you may need one of those too. I have a list to order when temps drop again.

  2. Such a sunny anigozanthos photo, summer right there in an image.

    1. Definitely a summer signpost. They are close to the sidewalk and always get comments from passers by. It's funny they are all over the place in garden centers around here but I have only seen them actually growing in a handful of gardens around town . What happens to the rest of them ?

  3. All choice plants--enjoyed your post. You catch their beauty in every photo.

    Formerly Calocephalus brownii, now Leucophyta brownii on the mental block? I have trouble remembering that name also, except the "brownii" part, which sounds like a chocolate baked good. .

    1. Yes to that Hoov, I knew there was a C involved. I wonder if it has a common name ?

    2. "Cushion Bush". So, a C is involved--twice!

  4. So many gorgeous blooms. Especially love the littler geranium flowers. Am a sucker for unusual ones. Sorry to hear you will have to go back to the office. My husband has vowed never to return as he enjoys working from home and avoiding commute traffic. Thanks for the floral abundance.

    1. I bought two of those Geraniums --the ways plants come and go these days i was afraid I'd never see them again.


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