A Very Merry Un-Bloomday To You...

 I had some discouraging moments in the last few weeks , having feared that I had lost all my photos from the last 10 years or so. As it turned out I only lost some of 2015 and the rest are hanging out in the wrong year folders.  Even though something like this pales in comparison to what others in our nation are experiencing , it just made me feel worse and basically galvanized me into inactivity. Except for the garden. I have been more present there this spring than I have in decades-working from home has benefits.Instead of changing toner or checking on how much coffee is left or gossiping about company dysfunction, I go out and pull a few weeds or water a few containers.
  Once I solved the photo issue (a small triumph) I started to mentally slap myself around to get back into gear. Helping me along the way was the news that one of my favorite get-away coastal retreats in Mendocino County will open mid-June. This particular spot is stand-alone cottages with pretty much no common area. You can go there, and never see anyone less than about 20 yards away . A few days looking at the ocean from my little private deck is just what I need.

  Having missed last Bloomday , and with a spotty blogging record the last couple of months I thought I'd just pretend it is in fact Bloomday today and carry on with some floral action from majestic zone 9.

 I am enjoying my Verbena bonariensis very much this year. Here it is with a sunny backdrop of  Eriogonum nudum 'Elsa Nelsons Yellow' . 

  Clematis Rooguchi blooms all summer and into fall.

 Lobelia tupa is opening. So happy I can grow this ! My patch is expanding.

I really do have a love/hate relationship with Daylilies. The snail damage, the crappy foliage, the unstable colors. But this spider (String Bikini -sorry, I didn't pick out the name) has been enjoyable this spring.

  I think this one is Calico Jack .

I'm afraid I'm going to have to take some action here with Knautia macedonia. I have a grove. Fond of the plant but I really don't need a grove of it. One does have to keep up with the seedlings. I am determined to do better.

Sally Holmes. A reliable climber along the fence, disease free.

 Sanguisorba 'Pink Tanna' . I should really do a Sanguisorba post. I love them all.

 This Verbascum reseeded itself adjacent to the driveway and the cable box. 

Angelica stricta purpurea 

And seen here with it's neighbors-the grass is Pennisetum 'Red Bunny Tails' 

The only bloomer here is African Blue Basil , but I posted this just to see if anyone thought I have gotten carried away with chartreuse/gold  foliage. 

 I'm including the lovely Agave weberi 'Arizona Star' . I am very attached to this plant as it was my very first purchase from Cistus , possibly in 2009. I had it in a pot for a few years and finally moved it into the ground I'm thinking in 2017. Placement was ill-advised and unfortunately it has outgrown it's space and has to go. The good news is I have already potted up one pup and there is at least one more so all it not lost. I have Agave 'Cornelius' waiting in the wings -a much more demure variety.

As I have said many times  and will continue to say, the world would be abetter place if everyone was a gardener.


  1. I love that you have so many plants I'm not really familiar with. I always find something new in your posts.

    I have an African basil, too, and it flowers year round.

    1. It's those Oregon and Digging Dog shopping trips -now mail order. African Blue Basil gets frost killed here-I think all the Basils lived til December last winter, but even a couple hours in the high 20's and they're toast.

  2. I love the second to last photo with all that chartreuse foliage. It is so bright and brings out the best in blue. So glad you found your photos. Can feel like you have lost part of your history when that happens. 'Arizona Star' would be right at home with the chartreuse foliage. He's so beautiful would be tragic to seem him go.

    1. Arizona Star is beautiful and will live on in a pot --and stabbing will no longer be a hazard of walking along the path.

  3. Damn....that last photo is dreamy. I will just ignore the part about it having to go. As for photo loss...I feel your pain. Have fun at the coast!

    1. I think the 'unplanting' of Arizona Star will happen this month. I'm hoping for shallow roots. I'm hoping the missing 2015 images will magically re-appear someday.

  4. And a very Merry Un-Bloomday to you, Kathy! I'm glad you were able to find most of your photos. I'm tempted to try the Knautia but, as I'm already dealing with an unruly aster, I guess I should give that idea some additional thought. I was pleased to see both the yellow buckwheat and Clematis 'Rooguchi' doing so well for you, as I recently introduced both in my garden. I look forward to seeing photos from your Mendocino trip.

    1. Well, I will say Kris it does take the Knautia awhile to get out of hand , and it's pesky to pull but I just dig it up. Maybe you should try it , it's way better than that damnable aster. I bought Rooguchi in the first place after I saw it growing in a garden in Calistoga which is at the far north of our valley and hot as hell in summer. I must say the inability to travel has been one of the hardest things for me during the pandemic. I'm counting the days.

    2. I just ordered another Lobelia tupa from Annie's -- this time it's going in good deep soil, morning sun and filtered sun in the afternoon. And that is some lusty reseeding verbascum -- precisely what I'm hoping to convince mine to do! The associated tech issues with blogging kneecap me too periodically -- hate it! Glad yours are somewhat sorted.

    3. I wish you well with Lobelia tupa. It's done far better for me than I expected it to.

  5. Beautiful. Great to see treasures from your garden. Back up those photos, lady! They are too good to lose.


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