BloomDay July 2018

 Fortunately I remembered it was Garden Bloggers Bloomday before the always coveted  marine layer burned off this morning and added some photo-taking to my agenda. This is the time of year when the sun, heat and no rain for months have taken their toll on the garden and the slide into dishevelment has begun. All manner of plant growth management apparatus has been active today. Still, there are blooms to be had !

 The Lilys continue to unfold. I have managed-quite by accident-to have at least one clump in bloom since May. This variety gets two photos, and there will be more on the Lily shopping list for 2019.

Carte Blanche 

Conca d'Or

Montego Bay

Lost the Tag

Never Had a Tag

 The Lily above was a freebie from my order last year -it was labeled as a dark pink variety which it clearly is not.
 Phlox paniculata season is here, and though short lived it's always nice to have some blowsy flowers in the middle of summer.

Nora Leigh (reverted from it's variegated state)


Fair Bianca

 A couple of  jumble shots from the front garden with Eryngiums, Verbena bonariensis Sideritas Cypria and Anigozanthos.

  This pink Sanguisorba was an unnamed seedling from Far Reaches Farm .

Phygelius 'Moonraker'

The Zinnias ! I am so glad I planted these seeds this year, and will be expanding my inventory next year. They are all growing in large containers.

  Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is hosted on the 15th of every month by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Many thanks to Carol as always for providing this  platform for all to enjoy.


  1. Your lilies and other flowers are all beautiful. Thanks for the compliments on my lily 'Saltarello,' it's one of my favorites. It has increased well for me, so I'm going to divide it in the fall and spread it around. It also smells wonderful! My garden has also begun the slide into dishevelment that is caused by our summer drought. I have perennials that I should have cut back over a month ago to bring them back nice and bushy, but I was distracted by other chores.

    1. Well, I found Saltarello at The Lily Garden in Vancouver -sold out for fall shipping but I should be able to order in spring.

  2. This Bloom Day got away from me too, Kathy. Your lilies are gorgeous! I have a couple of freebies of a nondescript pink variety I received as freebies several years ago and, as they come back year-after-year, I think I should try some prettier ones. Your Zinnias look nice and bushy, unlike mine which look as though they're walking on stilts - I should have planted earlier and pinched them to encourage branching.

    1. I have one stilt -style , I think it's Queen Raspberry Lime. Low germination and spindly plants. Next year I'm going to pair it up with Benarys Giant Lime.

  3. Your jumble shot with the Eryngium and Verbena bonariensis is quite dreamy. As are your lilies, of course.

    1. I bought 2 more Eryngium varieties last month at Digging Dog . I seem to be collecting them !

  4. Love the two jumbled shots. Just beautiful. Also your zinnias look so cheerful. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I have plenty of jumble-y spots in the garden-maybe I should make a point to add at least one jumble per Bloomday post !

  5. I had to giggle at 'Lost the Tag' and 'Never had a Tag.' I have several of those too. I love seeing your beautiful blooms, and I understand completely about how the sun takes its toll on the garden this time of year. Oklahoma is supposed to be in the 100s this week. Ugh. I hope Kansas isn't.~~Dee

    1. Ha ! I can't tell you how many times I've said to myself "oh I don't need to label that, I'll remember it !" We all know how that turns out right ? I think the stamina of gardeners who succeed in climates like yours is admirable Dee. I'd probably call the moving van after about a month, lol. I'm a climate wimp. Fortunately the temps in Kansas will not affect me since I'm in northern California !


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