In a Vase on Monday

  My 2nd Vase on Monday post ! I'm on a roll.

 This vase, plus another mono arrangement that I have in the dining room, used almost the entirety of one Achillea 'Moonshine'  which as you can see below, had melted out in the center and splayed itself about .

  I subsequently dug the plant out and replaced it with a Salvia muelleri 'Purple Robe' . I have three more A. 'Moonshine' in the garden so it they will continue to be available as vase content, and there was too much yellow in this spot in any case.

I also used budded sprays of the polyantha rose 'Gourmet Popcorn' , a few stems of Oregano, Nigellia seedpods (of which I seem to have an unlimted supply) and Orlaya which is a bit of a white blur behind the Oregano.

 The vase is Bauer from the Monterey Moderne line which was manufactured beginning in 1948. Rimming the lip are seedpods from Lunaria annua  'Rosemary Verey'.

 Be sure to stop by Rambling in the Garden to see more floral creations.


  1. A perfect way to rescue a plant that is splayed or see all the Achillea in the truly shines!

    1. Achillea has many virtues , not the least of which is bloominess !

  2. The still-green Lunaria seedpods are a wonderful touch and I especially appreciate your including the vase's pedigree.

    1. All vase pedigrees will be included -if there is one. I'm hoping that the Lunaria will live another year -it acts like a biennial in my garden and it's not in production right now at Annies-I actually planted it last summer. It's loaded with those cool pods right now !

  3. Glad to see you found a use for your Achillea - I think 'Sunshine' might be a more appropriate name. Beautiful arrangement!

    1. Thanks ! In summer it seems to show up in most of my vases. So reliable.

  4. I hope you're going to keep the roll going, Kathy! My back garden is very yellow at the moment too as I went a little crazy in adding Achillea 'Moonshine' to the borders there a few years ago but then I need something to balance all the blue Agapanthus as summer comes on. I love that 'Popcorn' rose too.

    1. 'Popcorn' is as tall as I am-it got much larger than I expected, but it gets along fine with occasional water and occasional deadheading. I am looking for a good white Achellia, but some of them are runners.

  5. I love the seedpods in this vase, something we often neglect to use, and your end result looks really well balanced and pyramidical. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks Cathy, I love using seedpods-I think I have about a 60 day supply of Nigellia !

  6. Delightful! Fabulous arrangement in the perfect vase for the flowers. Sunshine in a cup!

  7. I love adding buds and pods to arrangements and yours has such perfect balance. Love it!


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