In a Vase on Monday-Saturday Edition

 It will always be a Saturday edition in reality-I've been cutting boquets for my house every Saturday morning for as long as I can remember, so why it took me so long to set sail on the VOM meme is anyones guess. I also have a vase collection habit. So here is my inaugural post, and hopefully I can at least manage to participate a couple times a month.

  There is plenty of inventory in the garden right now. Included with the roses are Watsonia, Orlaya, Achillea 'Moonshine' , a few sprigs of Eucalyptus 'Moon Lagoon' and a bit of Callistemon 'Tom Thumb' that hangs over a low wall from my neighbors yard. The vase is a vintage Bauer pillow vase .

 The white rose is Bolero , an impulse buy several years ago that I have never regretted , and the yellow is Molineaux , a David Austin rose that outperforms just about any other in my garden-but not in vase life. I will expect to see a puddle of petals on the table within a couple of days.

 And who doesn't love Sideritas cypria ?

 Be sure to stop by Rambling In The Garden for more vases to enjoy.


  1. What a beautiful vase and practice.....I love the roses especially Molineaux. I don't have a day I cut flowers but when the whim hits me during the week. A wonderful inaugural vase!

    1. Thanks ! Saturday is my day because I'm home from work and at my leisure . I can enjoy it at it's freshest before heading back to the office on Monday !

  2. A stunning inaugural arrangement. Molineaux is gorgeous and would even make a nice pile of petals. Looking forward to seeing more of your blooms and vases!

    1. They are still hanging on Peter ! 3 whole days ...

  3. Damn girl, you can put together a gorgeous vase! I look forward to seeing more of your stylings and your vase collection.

    1. I might have to start buying plants that have VOM potential. I'm glad you likes it-you've set the bar pretty high around these parts!

  4. Mitch is addicted to those Bauer pillow vases! Love the green one. Very nice "inventory"!

    1. I own 4 Bauer pillows and I check ebay frequently for more. They are amoung my most frequently used .

  5. Yay, you've joined IaVoM at last! I love the yellow David Austin rose. The buds on my 2 David Austin's incinerated during a heatwave while we were in Austin but I hope they'll come through in the long haul. For reasons I can't explain, I've no Watsonias in my current garden even though I grew them in the smaller space of my old garden and I now actually have the space to do right by them - I must remedy that omission in the coming year. As to the Sideritis, I included some in my own vase this week too.

    1. Incinerated roses are so demoralizing. They seem to handle the heat better later in summer after they've 'hardened off'.

  6. I recognized that rose as one of David Austin's right away! :D Very nice!

    1. Thank you for dropping by and commenting. I love my Austin roses though I have fewer that I used to at the height of my rose collection frenzy !

  7. Oh well done on your longstanding Saturday habit - starting the meme was the result of me trying to get into the habit and it certainly did the trick. It wouldn't be Monday without IAVOM! I love the shape and colour of your vase (I don't know 'Bauer' vases) and your blooms and foliage pick out the shade of it perfectly, making for a very stylish result. Thanks for joining us and please do come again :)

    1. Cathy, Bauer is a vintage pottery line associated with Los Angeles in mid-century. Los Angeles is my hometown so I started collecting in the 70's -of course it's gotten progressively harder to find and pricier ! Thank you fro the welcome and I hope to post as often as I am able.

  8. Thank you. I appreciate you giving the cultivar names. It helps me plan my next move.


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