October Bloomday

 October has been so very pleasant here, with only the increasingly cold and dark mornings reminding me that the party will be over before too long. I have many projects on the punch list for fall and winter and I am trying to execute as many as possible now before the rains come. We have not had frost yet , and so the blooms continue, though the lowering angle of the sun has plunged summer-sunny areas into shade -floppiness ensues...

Rozanne is never defeated..

Trachelium is pushing out a fall rebloom after some aggressive deadheading in August.

Persicaria continues to bloom away, and clash with everything in it's immediate area.

This is Prospero, one of my 'keeper' roses.

African Blue Basil, could be history at any time .

Does this count ? Eupatorium 'Gateway'  kind of bloomed out, but I love the seedheads..

Calamagrostis 'Overdam'

Unnamed succulent..unnamed because I've had it for at least 20 years, dating back to the days when most succulents sported tags that said "Assorted Succulent "

 And here is the rest.. Dahlias still linger, Salvia 'Black and Blue' , faded PeeGee Hydrangeas and swamp Verbena, and the elegant droop of Claudia Cardinale.

Carol at May Dreams is our hostess for blooms around the planet, every month..Happy GBBD !


  1. Flowers, foliage, seedheads! All very pretty!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. I love these October Blooms. I have planted the Persicaria 'Golden Arrow' and I love it. It blooms for a very long time.

    1. This will be replaced with Golden Arrow this winter..

  3. Nice blooms :) Your unnamed succulent looks like a Faucaria, interesting succulent with cheery yellow blooms!

    1. Thanks for the ID, this is great succulent ., and sails through our 20ish degree nights with no problem..bad at conversions here , but that's several degrees below freezing..

  4. It's hard to dislike Rozanne, she tries so hard. That's a pretty shot against the Symphytum foliage. Happy GBBD!

    1. I am proud to report I actually planted the Symphytum next to Rozanne on purpose.How nice it is when something works !

  5. Prospero is gorgeous and I'm happy to see you enjoying the riches of your garden in a vase too, so many gardeners don't!

    1. What I went through to find Prospero Loree--I've been digging up roses to a fare-thee-well the last couple of years , but sheer obscurity has won Prospero the right to stay..at least for now !

  6. That rose is spectacular! Happy GBBD!

    1. Bet it would do well for you if you could find it Kris. It's an Austin and has zero disease issues,even here in black-spot city.

  7. Love the Rozanne with Axminster Gold. I didn't even check my Rozanne to see if it was still blooming. Too many pictures, too much bandwidth! Happy GBBD!

    1. I have Rozanne all over the place Sue, and all of them are blooming-I've been watching my east coast friends weather and it is remarkably like mine this year ! Your forecast for tonight is actually a few degrees warmer than mine. October has been good !

  8. I'm with you...I think the Eupatorium seedheads are almost as lovely as the blooms...and the way they catch the light is amazing!

    1. I was so so close to digging it out Scott--the thing is huge and I know you can appreciate the space issues. But it is so architectural with those big leaves and purple stems, it gets to stay.

  9. How did we ever manage without 'Rozanne'? Yes, Faucaria. The bouquet is especially pretty, it glows.

    1. We need Rozanne Pink, Rozanne White, Rozanne Yellow. A Rozanne herd.

  10. Thanks for the lovely trip around your October garden, you have some real beauties, but Prospero caught my eye, I love roses and I am very fond of David Austin roses. For anyone looking for this rose I just checked, it is available to order online in America from January 2014 from here: http://davidaustinroses.co.uk/american/showrose.asp?showr=718 and for people in Britain it is in stock right now. I have put it on my wish list!

  11. Helene ,the two features I like best about Prospero is it's size(many Austins can get gargantuan here in Northern California) and the staying power of the flowers--they hold up for ages.


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