My Favorite This Week

 Lavender is pretty ubiquitous here in Northern California. I always have a few scattered about the garden--the key is decent drainage and willingness to shovel prune and replace with fresh stock when the inevitable woodiness sets in. My fave this week is Lavandula 'Silver Edge' , a plant that was on the edge of the dig-it-out  abyss , and has suddenly and inexplicably redeemed itself by throwing up a few flowers.

I've had this plant for  a few years, and frankly don't remember where I got it, but if I had to guess I would say either Portland Nursery, or Bainbridge Island Nursery.Remarkably, I still have the tag , and the 'brand' is not one I recognize locally. The thing is, it's variegated...

 "Silver Edge" , get it ? I have moved this plant once, but in all the years I've had it, it has never bloomed. Not once. I was pretty impressed that I still had the tag --the photo shows a nice flush of flowers. I am happy with the four on my plant. Four  ! Better than none, right ?

 Here it is in it's venue- the smallest multi-year lavender  ever. What a clever plant, it bought itself another year.

Our Dangerous friend Loree got the ball rolling on this weekly fave-fest..


  1. Love to have lavender around and also love your term "shovel pruning" It truly is the best thing to do every few years.

  2. I like it! And it stopped me for a minute when I read Portland Nursery, you do get around! I planted a trio of lavender a few years back, they never grew, never bloomed. Of course they are gone now. Thanks for the reminder I've been meaning to plant the green blooming variety.

    1. Portland Nursery is a favorite of mine--I always try to go go when I'm up there-though I missed it the last time ! Treat those Lavs like succulents--sharp drainage and lots of sun.

  3. Regular replacement is the key indeed to keeping Lavender looking good. Love its glaucous leaves, and the scent...

    1. 5 years seems to be about the life span here..

  4. I love lavender too, and that's a nice one. It does get ratty too soon, but good thing it has been easy to grow from seed.

    1. I've only grown from cuttings Alison, and spotty success there.It's the over watering thing....

  5. I like lavender even when it's not in bloom. I don't think I've ever seen a variegated variety before - it certainly deserves at least one more chance.

    1. I sure don't have to worry about it taking up too much room. It's pretty wimpy, but at least it hasn't gotten woody.

  6. Michael Pollen in 'Botany of Desire' wrote of the many ways plants have of seducing us into keeping and spreading them. Your lavender must have read the book.
    People are always talking about replacing lavender, but my "lavender walk" has been in place for ten years. I think the secret lies in pruning it back hard each fall.

    1. ricki, you are so right , the pruning regimen is key. A 'Lavender walk' sounds just splendid ...

  7. I think the dwarf lavenders last/look good the longest. Love them. I keep my eyes open for 'Silver Edge' here, no luck as yet.


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