BloomDay November 2012

If only every Bloomday were on a weekend . I came home from the office for lunch today and rushed around taking some pretty uninspiring photos of those who still soldier on.

 Lobelia laxiflora -I love this plant though I've done it no favors in my choice of location. It can be thug-ish in frost free areas , but it dies back far enough here in winter to restrain it's enthusiasm.

Though we have had a few frosty mornings, Wendys Wish is still pumping out the blooms . I loose this plant every year and have to replant, but I think I've finally found a spot where it can give it's all til the bitter end.

I love these Sanvitalia procumbens, and though they are allegedly an annual they have persisted here for several years. They bloom all summer and make a great edging.

 I planted this Salvia for it's foliage , as it is such a late bloomer I figured it would bite the dust before I saw a flower. It's common as hell here and it's name escapes me at the moment.

Penstemon 'Raven' ...what a great plant this is .. no flopping , lots of blooming.

 The roses continue to send out flowers , though they are beat up by rain and frost. This is 'Golden Celebration'..

Thanks as always to Carol , our hostess !


  1. That Penstemon is stunning...and you had me at "no flopping"!

    1. Digging Dog Scott..I put it in the sunniest spot I could, and I am victorious !Love it when they don't flop.

  2. Lots of beauty left in your garden. Now days it's pretty much dark when I get home. It's somewhat lighter in the a.m. but no time for walating or picture taking.

    1. I hear you Michelle. I go in at 6:30ish so it's a tad light when I get home, but our rains have started so gardening is out the window.

  3. That was worthwhile, you have some lovely November blooms there :)

    1. If you plan ahead, you can garden year round here, but raingear comes in handy.

  4. Wonderful flowers Kathy, that Penstemmon is fabulous!!!! what a gorgeous plant. Wish it was hardy here.

    1. Zone 6 Deanne..maybe global warming will help you out !

  5. I love the lobelia and the penstemmon. I have the same two salvias and mine are in bloom at the moment too - a bit strange really, given it's late Spring here and Autumn for you. Just goes to show what troopers they are.

  6. Troopers indeed Marisa, though most years the tenders are black slime by now. I'm enjoying the extended season this year.

  7. I like your salvias, could the second one be Lady in Red?


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