Visiting Annies

 The holiday weekend has been particularly chore heavy here ..I prepared myself an ambitious list which included such drudgery as garage cleaning, e-waste recycling, painting an exterior arbor, floor cleaning..etc etc. I awarded myself a morning off and motored down to Richmond to take advantage of the last day of Annies Labor Day Weekend 20% off sale.Because fall looms on the horizon I chose the jaunty little red wagon instead of the double decker jumbo cart -the last time I tried this 'thrift' tactic I ended up swapping the wagon for the big cart about halfway through my shopping. Today clearer heads prevailed. One flat and one flat only ...but carefully chosen with only a couple 'impulse' purchases.I'm optimistic that all the new kids will be planted in time for the October trip out to the coast to attend  Digging Dogs fall sale.

 The light was pretty bad for photos, but pleasant for shopping. The succulents were in their late summer glory.

I can only dream of Aeonium excitement here..only a 40 minute drive north of Annies is winter death for many of this genus..and I want them all!

My Echeveria subrigida does not look like this dinner plate sized number. Sigh.

Fabulous Graptoveria

Orostachys..a personal favorite.

Vignettes everywhere..

And so much to choose from !


  1. I've read so much about this place before and great some new photo again. Their selection of succulents is lovely!

    1. A must see if you make it across The Pond ! They have expanded thier succulent offering substantially over the last couple of years.

  2. I stuck to the list drudgery this weekend. However we don't have nurseries like Annies around these parts.

    1. ahh, but there always mail order ! I don't know about you but my drudgery was almost worth it. You can almost eat off the floor in my garage !

  3. Picture me green with envy! what a wonderful destination and what a fabu selection of plants. All those marvelous things I can't grow here. I adore all those succulents but can only winter over so many and I'm all full up with my winter accommodations and spilling over to Howard's greenhouse.... Thanks for taking us on your shopping trip.

    1. I had to reduce my succulents this year too, til I get my heating method figured out in the pop up green house..lost many last winter .

  4. And what a fine award you gave yourself! Such fun!
    My last trip was a car load of mulch...

  5. Thanks for the vicarious visit! I'm hoping I'll be able to stop by there on our way home from San Fran this October :-)

  6. You must indeed stop by Annies ! And let me tell you if you have any time left in your schedule just head out to the coast to visit Digging Dog--I think you would love their awesome display garden, which is particularly awesome in fall. I don't think you would regret it-judging from photos of your garden , I think DD would really speak to you!

  7. What fun! I love the picture of the gazing ball with the angelica.

  8. I see my deceased salpiglossis in the last photo. That is one tricky annual for me! There has been much drudgery going on here too of the painting and staining kind. I was just making a "wish" order on Digging Dog's website over the weekend. Can't wait to see your photos of DD.

  9. You were not tempted to bring home a goat? Looks like it was a great morning.

    So what plants did you get?


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