Bloomday September 2012

 I'm bringing up the rear this bloomday, as most of it was spent in airports, airplanes and cars, followed by watering everything that was a-droop while I was out of town. It seems like just about everything is either in bloom or just on it's way out, these are just a small sampling.

Caryopteris 'incana' is one of my favorite new plants this year, with its dark purple flowers and clean green foliage . I particularly like the round flower buds on this one. I love my 'Summer Sorbet' , but the flowers are super showy on this variety.

I can't seem to bring myself to cut these Artichoke flowers down yet.

  'Wendys Wish' is one of many Salvias in bloom in my garden now. I keep hoping it will survive the winter here--most sources list it for zone 9, but it has yet to overwinter for me.

Salvia ugilinosa

Rooguchi was featured in May Bloomday, still a few more flowers to go !

I was surprised to see new flower spikes on Erygium 'Jade Frost', after deadheading the spring bloom.

Penstemon 'Raven' ..a non-flopper..thumbs up !

As always, many thanks to Carol at May Dreams for hosting this monthly bloom-a-thon ..


  1. Some gorgeous blooms among your GBBD selection this month. I love the Caryopteris, and as you said the lovely little round buds. Wendy's Wish is a star performer in my garden. The colour seems to tie so much together. The rooguchi is the most exquisite shape, and I always love any kind of echium.

    1. I plan to get a couple more of those Caryopteris when I go to Digging Dogs fall sale next month. A repeated element !

  2. Hi Kathy, so great to see you. HOpe your trip was a success. Love the penstemmon and what isn't to love about a clematis that has flower from May onward? My Polish Spirit is like that and is throwing out a good amount of buds right now... (Isn't Jade Frost Eryngium?)

    1. Ha ! Thanks Deanne for the correction..I think I had a 'moment' lol.

  3. That ragged artichoke is so majestic. And what an amazing Bloom Day run Rooguchi has had. Glad you're home!

  4. Better late than never was my bloom day motto this month too. Is the Crayopteris just the straight incana species? My best grower seems to be C. incana 'Sunshine Blue' but 'Summer Sorbet' definitely has the best foliage.

  5. Sue, when I bought this in spring the label just said C. incana. The color is really intense--far more that what you see in my photo. When I go to DD next month I'm going to ask Deborah about it..plan to buy 2 more as well.

  6. The flowers on that caryopteris look much larger than 'Summer Sorbet' I love the combination of the 'Jade Frost' with the yellow behind it.


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