A New Kid Makes Good

 Ordered in late March and planted in April , 'Symphytum 'Axminister Gold' has already made a statement in the mid spring garden. Though the blooms are not the main attraction here , they are an appreciated bonus. How clever I am to have had the presence of mind to buy two of them. If there are any left (doubtful) when I pay an in-person visit to Digging Dog for the first ever Garden Conservancy Mendocino County Open Garden Day next weekend , I will surely buy another one.

 Seen here with with Achellia 'Moonshine' , Phygelius Croftway Purple Prince' and yet to bloom Trachelium .


  1. Very pretty! Looks a little like a variegated Duranta.

  2. Mine was buried under a Hyrdangea quercifolia and behind a boxwood so I moved it this spring. I heard they were hard to propogate so I wasn't hopeful when the plant broke into three pieces. Two were planted in different areas of my garden and one was gifted to Deanne. So far so good on the transplants.

    Do you remember seeing one in that private garden we visited in Buffalo? It was growing in full sun next to the driveway. The gardener said he cuts off the flowers so they don't sap energy from the plant.

  3. Needs water Hoov.. the only negative for we left coasters.

    Sue , you mean Jerry's garden in Rochester , right ?That guy was a genius ! I think you are right about the propagation issues, production is very limited at Digging Dog. I'm going to ask when I visit there next weekend.Kudos to you for your success.

  4. Growing that would be an eco crime here in SoCal -- so beautiful.


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