Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, The Merry Month of May 2012

So many blooms this month, which ones to share ? May is a splendid month in the garden; the freshness of spring still prevails, frost is a distant memory, the empty spaces fill in. Our hostess Carol is rightly smitten with May Dreams. Be sure to visit and see the blooms of our fellow gardeners across the globe.

 Erigeron hangs with green Santolina. 

Penstemon pseudospectabilis..strict warnings relative to over watering accompanied the instructions here, and the common name 'desert beardtongue' sealed the deal. I  put it in a large clay pot with a couple of trailing Sedums and a Dudleya caespitosa. The presence of the succulents should deter me from the temptations of watering.

Oooo-la-la the flowers of this Penstemon cobaea  are pure drama.

The fabulous Sombreuil.

How I love the extreme cuteness of this grass, Briza media.

...and  Stipa gigantea , a grass I feared would be too big, but  instead has a neat mound of foliage and tall see-through blooms that are always moving, and overpower nothing.

Parahebe pseudospectabilis

Knautia macedonica has earned 'repeated element' status. Seen here with it's neighbor the seldom seen Austin rose ' Happy Child '.

And we wrap up with the outstanding Rooguchi, which will likely be available for Bloomday status til November.


  1. Kathy, those two grasses are making my bloom day post too. And that parahebe is new to me -- looks like a jazzed up Parahebe perfoliata. I like!

    1. Pretty sure that the Parahebe was mislabeled Denise, and is in fact perfoliata.I've had it for 10+ years, bought at a very rustic mom and pop 'garden center' in Ft Bragg.

  2. Sombreuil is just gorgeous. And that grass is fabulous!!! Very eye-catching. Your first photo is great, too! I read a few other posts of yours - I am still adding roses, but am determined to stop soon! :O Happy GBBD!

  3. Hi Holley,I started collecting roses in the 70's but I have been cutting back over the last couple of years to make room for all the other stuff I collect. Sombreuil is a keeper !

  4. All gorgeous blooms, but I especially love the intense colours of the penstemon and the knautia.

  5. I really like that Penstemon cobaea. Happy GBBD to you!


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