Landscapes of Commerce, Part 2

  Last weeks visit to a couple of business parks turned out to be interesting in a is a place that is virtually deserted on Sunday morning. No one lives there, the businesses are closed, no traffic, and the only human beings I saw were a couple of mow and blow guys who were hurriedly taking advantage of the rare rainless interlude this month. The older 80's and 90's era buildings had clearly the most dreadful landscaping, dotted with clusters of foundation shrubs tortured into submission.


Unfortunately, these are Leptospermums.

 I'm thinking you could set up your laptop and lunch on one of these .

Do you suppose the points are expected to grow back ?? Ai -yi-yi...

Look there, it's a Penstemon !

Much better here..the shrubs were unmolested, mostly drought tolerant  and nicely placed.

And here, a meadowesque scene has been installed on the perimeter of the parking lot.

  Nandinas reverb  the paint..


  1. Great post! I laughed out loud when I saw those poor Phormiums. What were they thinking? The HOA Coleonemas here are trimmed into meatballs--the other members of the HOA insist. Photos of my own untrimmed versions are unconvincing. Sigh.

    That last photo with the yellow wall and Nandina is really beautiful.

  2. Now we need the followup post, the Commerce of Landscapes. Actually, your post makes it pretty clear how landscapes are valued.


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