Landscapes of Commerce, Part 1

  Is there an unwritten law that demands sameness, lack of  imagination, and heavy use of power hedge shears in the typical business 'park' ? My camera and I visited a nearby complex that features both  the abysmal and a step outside the box.

 This building was health club back in the 90's which subsequently fell on hard times. A developer bought and remodeled it several years ago. The paint color was controversial -people either loved or loathed it. When the landscaping went in it was pretty clear that it was in fact a design, a real design that was symbiotic with the building and the hardscape. Dodonea never looked so good.


A fence of stainless steel cables between wooden posts is draped with Clematis armandii , flowering now
above waves of Stipa . Believe it or not, this building is presently occupied by the Social Security Administration. There is a great deal of Lavender planted here too, and in summer when it blooms against the terra cotta tones of the building--nice !

 In the same complex ...I mean, if they have to do this how about coming up with some interesting shapes ? A
bird ? A football ? Anything.

Should it even be legal to do this to Rosemary and Pineapple Guava (Feijoa sellowiana) ? Why not just plant boxwood and call it good ? Flowers are rarely if ever seen on either one of these.

 Would you do this to your Grevillia ? I thought not.


  1. Oh my...that last picture is one of the saddest things I've seen in awhile...

  2. Nice photos. That dodonea really pops against that paint. Well done! As for the last three examples, that's nothing that I haven't seen around here too, sorry to say. I've seen big phormiums cut back to a foot high.

  3. The Ivy oozing out of the Grevillea completes the tragedy.

  4. This reminds me of a series I photographed and submitted to the township...and things were CHANGED to my astonishment!


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